
MiniQuest Adventures - The Board Book Game

Created by JanduSoft

A 1 to 4 player cooperative dungeon crawler game book

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Rulebook Updated + Cards of the Dead - Launch DAY!
about 2 years ago – Wed, May 04, 2022 at 02:36:10 AM


Hello again adventurers,

After a few comments from our latest update, we have improved a little bit the previous English Rulebook Manual

Here is a link to the latest Manual. 

Some of the changes we made from the first manual release:

  • Entire manual restructured.
  • Revised & rewritten some sections of the manual for clarification.
  • Improved some gameplay rules.
  • Minor layout fixes.
  • Now the manual has 28 pages, for easy printing.
  • Added a FAQS & Errata Section.


  •  Those who have still not received the game, contact us through direct message to handle personally the shipments that have had issues. 

At this moment we have a lot of work, due to the new kickstarter campaign so we will delay a little bit the answers, but don't worry, we will answer you sooner or later.


Did you know that we are launching our new campaign TODAY

Hurry up for the early bird pledge before it's sold out.

New Rulebook , Community Feedback & Next Project
about 2 years ago – Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 03:25:46 PM

Hello again adventurers!

We hope that this year is going great for all of you. We have some news to share about our game & our next project.

Rulebook Revision

Thanks to our friend Kevin Hull, we have collaborated and revised the English Rulebook and we hope you enjoy it. You can download it from the following URL New Rulebook.

If you would like to give support to Kevin, take a look at the game he is working on, you can test his game on Table Top Simulator (STEAM) and give him some feedback. Perilous Quest

Our community

We are very happy to see many of your projects with MiniQuest Adventures.

Here are some of them for you to check out:

The metal figures look really beautiful. Very good work 🤩 @spongebob8738

One of our backers, Hans, has designed and 3D printed token holders for MiniQuest Adventures. This makes it a lot easier to move characters and monsters across the board, and gives a better view of the situation.

We really like the game and are looking for ways to make it even more enjoyable.

You can download the token holder STL from Thingiverse:

It really feels great to have everything so organised, amazing @Declon👏

Aside from all these amazing projects, we would like to thank the people who have made custom rules to increase the game depth. Trying out a couple of games is really fun to play.

And much more at:


It has almost been a year since we embarked on the adventure of launching our first board game and we’ve learned many things thanks to your feedback, the manufacturing problems and the astonishing difficulty of shipping.

For future project we are going to:

  • Use a Fulfillment companies since it is impossible for us to take on more than 1000 shippings efficiently, on top of managing the tracking of each user.
  • Dealing with manufacturers that can guarantee an excellent quality in all of the products they manufacture.
  • Test prototypes with our community before mass production so they can test it and review it.


  • Those who have still not received the game, contact us through direct message to handle personally the shipments that have had issues.

We are very happy to announce our next Kickstarter project coming out next week. 

DON’T FORGET to subscribe.

And it's coming NEXT WEEK! 

Cards of the Dead : The Board Game is an adaptation of the “Cards of the Dead” video game.

A survival game for 1-3 players in a city infested by Zombies.

The game offers an experience that differs from the video game, and can be played both solo and with multiple players.

In Cards of the Dead : The Board Game players must take control of one of the Survivors and make it out of the city alive over the course of three days.

Players are advised to explore the interiors of places like the Supermarket where they will need to stock up with equipment and resources in order to remain alive throughout the game.

At the same time, they will need to contain the Zombies who infest the city and its vicinity, before being surrounded and falling prey to their incessant hunger…

Happy new Year! & Shipping Status update
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 11:07:35 PM

Hello once again Heroes!

It's a little bit late, but we want to wish you a happy new year. We hope you & your family are fine and you have been able to enjoy MiniQuest.

In case you haven't received your copy yet, this update is addressed to YOU, our dear backer.

On this sort update, we would like to talk about the shipping status and tell you another sad story about some of the troubles we are having.

On December 28th, we prepared nearly 200 parcels to be dispatched before we begin our christmas holidays , from December 31st to January 10th due to our favorite holiday, the day of the three kings. The equivalent to December 25th day (or Santa's day) in Spain. 

Three King's Day on Spain

But, what was the problem? The problem was that we requested our courier to take the 200 parcels BEFORE we enter our desired vacations and , as you probably know, they didn't pick up the packages, and we didn't noticed until Monday 10th of January (this week). So these 200 parcels have almost 2 weeks of delay. 

So don't worry, you will receive your parcel, sooner or later.

Today we prepared parcels with more than 1 MiniQuest Game, and all of this parcels will leave the factory on next Monday, so if you have more than 1 game, you probably didn't get your game yet. The main reason that you haven't received your parcel yet is because we need to prepare each package 1 by 1.

Today's parcels ready to be ship next week.

We are almost done, but we are having some troubles with some countries (China, Chile, Argentina, Rusia), so we need to contact some of this customers 1 by 1 in order to solve their problems. 

And last, this is our current status.

Current Shipping Status
  • Send & Remaind: Backer has not filled the survey, and we cannot send anything
  • Lock Orders: Cannot lock order because the backer has not enter correctly something (usually missing phone)
  • Charge Cards: We cannot charge shipping to the associate card, so we cannot proceed with shipping
  • Lock Address: There is a problem to lock the address (something got wrong)
  • Start Shipping: Ready to ship, next week we will continue
  • Shipped: All the parces dispatched

We promise to answer all of your private message, just give us some time, because we are giving priority to unfulfilled backers. 

MiniQuest - Shipping status + 67 Cards problem
over 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 04:12:07 PM

Hello once again Heroes!

We would like to talk to you about the shipping status for our game “MiniQuest - Adventures”.

Remember our last kickstarter update? We talk about the USA courier we are going to use, “Zeleris”.

After sending the contract signed by our side, we were waiting for the countersigned contract in order to begin to work with them.

After 1 week waiting and asking the courier, they answered us.

“We are sorry, but we cannot deliver your parcels until January 2022 due to our high volume of work”

We were shocked, we had several options before signing the contract, and we decided to work with them because they helped us in the Sword of the Necromancer campaign.

They recommended us to deliver the game in Q1 2022, which would help us to get better rates once the Global Supply Chain Crisis ends.

That was not a good solution for us, because we promised to deliver the games before Christmas, and we like to keep our promises. So we began talking with another courier.

This time, we talked with “Asendia” (Thanks to one of our backers, who talked us about this courier)

Fortunately, they are open to help us deliver the games, unfortunately their shipping rates are a little bit higher than zeleris. So once again, we are going to spend more money than expected.

Just to give you an example. We charged 15€ for the shipping of 1 game to the USA , and we have to pay 26€, that means that we have to pay 11€ more than expected. Now multiply this by the number of backers

So, we are going to use our own funds in order to deliver your game, we hope you can help us in future projects. We promise to find better solutions to avoid this mistake again.

But we have good news for you. So let’s talk about the current shipping status.

We managed to send 3714 parcels!! And here is an small summary

MiniQuest Board Game only (without miniatures)

  • ✅ All countries shipped!

MiniQuest Board Game with miniatures

  • ✅ Europe Union
  • ✅ UK
  • ✅ Canada
  • ✅ USA
  • ❌ Rest of the World

MiniQuest Board Game with miniatures and extra dice set

  • ✅ USA
  • ❌ Rest of the World

And that’s all, we hope to deliver the remaining games as soon as possible, we promise to work as much as we can. But don’t worry if we don’t answer you soon. We are just a little bit busy.

67 Loot Cards Problem

As some of you told us, there is an error on the instruction booklet. On the component list it says that there are 68 Loot Cards.

Unfortunately, we removed a duplicated one, and forgot to update the checklist to 67 cards.

That means that you are not missing any cards.

Help our Minis manufacturer!

Do you like our minis? They are manufactured by Kazrak Studio. If you like them, don’t forget to support their kickstarter campaign.

Shipping status
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 02, 2021 at 04:19:53 AM

Hello once again Heroes!

We would like to talk to you about the shipping status for our game “MiniQuest - Adventures”.

First of all, we must address the Global Supply Chain crisis. As you probably know, courier companies are having trouble distributing their orders.

And we are not an exception: our shipping cost has increased about 35% more. That means that we have to pay with our own money in order to ship MiniQuest Adventures to our backers. But you don’t have to worry about it, JanduSoft will cover the shipping cost increase at our expenses.

But we have one big issue: MiniQuest Adventures weight is exactly 2kg, just the limit of a light package. So adding a miniature to the game makes the shipping cost increase to 135% (more than twice the money you pay us for shipping) as it will change from Light Package to Big Package. And this is something we cannot assume, as it will drain our company.

As we don’t want to request you more money for the shipping we decided to do the following: we are going to remove 1 of the 4 instruction booklets for every game for those who have a miniature in their order. This will make the weight of the game still 2kg. The books that we are going to remove are Spanish rulebook for German people, and German rulebook for every other country.

We hope you understand our decision and don’t get angry about this, but we have no other option. The game must not weigh more than 2kg and this is the only solution we can do.

You are still able to download the missing manual from our website in case you want to print it.

Regarding fulfillment companies, we asked several fulfillment companies around the world (Floship, Easyship, GamesQuest, etc..) and all of them sent us an estimated budget. The problem is that they expect to have the games in their fulfillment warehouses (Usually located in Hong-Kong or USA), so they ask us to send all the games by ship to the USA or Hong-Kong. That would introduce more delays and increase the price even more than shipping the games from Spain by ourselves.

So we decided to sign with 2 courier companies.

for European Union backers + UK + Canada

For USA and ROW backers

We have more than 1000 parcels ready to be shipped by Zeleris in the factory’s warehouse, unfortunately they haven’t given us access to their tracking system. So we are unable to send these orders yet (they told us that shipments are getting delayed due to the Christmas season).

Also, we haven’t received the last pack of miniatures, so we are unable to send the game with figurines yet.

And that’s all. We hope we are able to send more parcels soon, but at this moment this is the amount of games we sent.

And this is a summary of countries with games sent.

MiniQuest Board Game only (without miniatures)

  • ✅ Spain
  • ✅ France
  • ✅ Germany
  • ✅ Poland
  • ✅ Austria
  • ✅ Belgium
  • ✅ Estonia
  • ✅ Croatia
  • ✅ Finland
  • ✅ Slovenia
  • ✅ Cyprus

Sorry for the delay, but we are doing the best we can.

Best Regards