
MiniQuest Adventures - The Board Book Game

Created by JanduSoft

A 1 to 4 player cooperative dungeon crawler game book

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch goal reached! - We are more than 500 backers!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 04:58:05 PM

Thank you for the huge support you are giving us!

We reached the 2nd stretch goal in less than 24h! AMAZING!

Today we wanted to reveal the identities of the Bosses that you will face in MiniQuest Adventures, and also celebrate that we completed a new stretch goal.

On the Core Box there are 3 Bosses available that can show up at the end of every game.

Ledira is a Dark Assassin obsessed in Necromantic arts.

When her brother Marun was captured by the Royal Guard of Phuria, she infiltrated the city on the day that he was to be executed, and cast a spell to imprison his brother’s soul in an armor.

After escaping the city and seeing that his brother was not the same he was before, she decided to go even further and murder hundres of innocent souls to try to take back the man who once was her little brother.

Marun is a Hollow Warrior that can control the weapons of the fallen at his will.

When he awoke on his new body, Marun only remembered the pain and agonizing suffering of his torment when his soul abandoned his previous body. Linked to who once was his sister, he feels a strange obligation to obey all of her desires, and the only thing he can do is put an end to anyone who gets in his or his patron.

Grodokk is a Hell Demon with an immeasurable power of destruction.

Bored of his lands, one day he witnessed how someone opened a portal to his domains through a spell to rescue a desperate soul before it was confined in hell.

When he sensed Ledira’s dark soul, Grodokk fell in love with her and decided to put an end to humanity to please her and win her love.

We will reveal more about the characters in upcoming updates.

We are overjoyed to see that we have reached 545 backers, you are amazing!

Here is our next stretch goal!

Thanks to your support we will be able to keep expanding our game and improving its quality.

Just like we did with the cards, now we want to improve the character sheet’s quality.

We are gonna increase the paper weight to achieve a longer durability since it will be an item that players will be constantly manipulating when exchanging item cards or when placing tokens on top of it.

We are very happy that so many people are joining our project since this gives us courage and strength to keep improving and growing.

Once again, thank you so much for your support and we will update you on our latest info very soon.