
MiniQuest Adventures - The Board Book Game

Created by JanduSoft

A 1 to 4 player cooperative dungeon crawler game book

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last stretch Goal Announcement! - New Dungeon
about 3 years ago – Mon, May 17, 2021 at 02:46:55 AM

Thank you for the huge support you are giving us!

Here is our latest stretch goal unlocked!

Once more, thank you so much for all your support.

We have been reading the comments and many of you said that you would like to print the Hero figures but don’t have a 3D printer available, so you suggested they should be included in the game.

As you might know, this is our first board game and we were not expecting to have this much impact, so we didn’t think of having figures in the game. After some talks with manufacturers we got a glimpse of the cost of including the figures, and these costs are not inside the scope we have to manufacture the game.

To solve this, we thought of adding an add-on in the pledge manager to offer the Hero figures to those who want them.

We are aware that this will make the production time longer and we might have to delay the delivery of the game, but we will do everything we can to avoid these delays.

As you know, our 3D artist is working as fast as he can to get the Heroes done, so we will update the STL as they are finished.

Here’s an example of how it’s turning out.


We got this far thanks to all of your help, and we want to show you our last goal.

We know it might seem like a long way, but seeing how far we’ve made it, and everything we’ve achieved thanks to your efforts, we think we can make it.

As a thank you for the love you have given MiniQuest Adventures, we want to make an effort on our part and add a second dungeon to the game.

We will add 30 more rooms set in the Mines of Phuria, to achieve a greater variety of situations to face.

Thank you so much to our 3530 backers!

$100.000K Reached!
about 3 years ago – Wed, May 12, 2021 at 06:01:56 PM

Thank you for the huge support you are giving to us!

We unlock a new stretch goal!

We are thrilled to post some updates and thanks to you efforts we are finally able to bring to you a new expansion.

We are already more than 3230 Backers! Thank you all so much!

After Phuria’s Magistrate’s cry for help, others have answered to protect the kingdom and repel the horrors that put in danger the lives of their people.

Tatiana is a Dwarf Sorceress who left her home after hearing her sister Faenala embarked on a mission to free Phuria.

After Phuria’s Magistrate’s cry for help, others have answered to protect the kingdom and repel the horrors that put in danger the lives of their people.

Tatiana is capable of focusing to increase the power of her spells.

Bilbo is a Human Rogue that will use his promptness with weapons to end his enemies.

Bilbo goes unnoticed to deal fatal blows to his enemies.

Rose is a Human Squire that fights for the honor and glory of Phuria.

She can block an attack each turn thanks to her dexterity.

Molog is a Night Elf that survived an attack from Marun’s horde. After that he promised himself that he would not rest until defeating him.

His dark arts allow him to recover health after striking a blow.

Five Heroes started this journey, but one of them abandoned the arduous path after facing the immeasurable power of the Jikho brothers, together with the demon Grodokk.

Sig the wandering Knight.

His heart crumbled and an immeasurable fear sprung in him after seeing the decimated lands of Phuria castle. Only ashes and scorched houses remained of that beautiful place. One night, Sig abandoned the camp in the middle of a guard shift to meet with Ledira and ask for forgiveness, and offered in turn his eternal servitude.

As you might have noticed, the new Heroes use the same colors as the previous ones. This is because when we wish to play a new Hero, we will have to replace Heroes of the same color to balance the set.

So if for example we wish to play with Bilbo, we must leave Durlan out of the game.

Obviously, you could always play in an alternative way and not respect all the rules but that would be out of the game’s approach, just like you could shuffle Monsters and Elites together so they could appear in any room and not in their determined rooms.


  • 1x Tatiana Earthrock Card
  • 1x Bilbo Silenthand Card
  • 1x Rose Starwind Card
  • 1x Molog Greyblade Card
  • 1x Sig Card (Boss)
  • 1x Troll Card (Elite)
  • 3x Swarm Card(Monster)
  • 3x Snake Card (Monter)
  • 1x Tatiana Turn Card
  • 1x Bilbo Turn Card
  • 1x Rose Turn Card
  • 1x Molog Turn Card
  • 1x Token Tatiana
  • 1x Token Bilbo
  • 1x Token Rose
  • 1x Token Molog
  • 1x Token Sig
  • 1x Token Troll
  • 3x Tokens Swarm
  • 3x Tokens Snake
  • 1x Bloodlust Skill Card
  • 1x Gloomy Blow Skill Card
  • 1x Funnel Skill Card
  • 1x Block Skill Card
  • 4x Enemy Skill Cards
  • 8x Loot Cards

We hope you enjoy this new expansion which offers even more possibilities than the base game.

Here is a sample of the progress of the Heroes in STL.

 STL Durlan Undertree 

 STL Martina Boulderhill

And for the next stretch goal, like the first four Heroes, the new STLs.

Sample image, models aren't yet available!

Thank you so much for helping us get this far!

Stretch goal reached! - New EXPANSION GOAL!
about 3 years ago – Thu, May 06, 2021 at 12:59:48 PM

Thank you for the huge support you are giving us!

Here is our latest stretch goal unlocked!

We are so happy to see all we have accomplished in less than a month thanks to your support.

We are  2300 backers, absolutely amazing!

It is wonderful seeing how people gravitate towards Kickstarter, a platform where people work together to finish the development of a project that without the unconditional help of their supporters, would remain just an idea and would never see the light.

People are so supportive of our project that as an act of gratitude, we made the decision of having at least the Heroes in STL so that those who wish to can print their figurines and use them in the MiniQuest Adventures or on a shelf as a collector’s item.

Since this has been a last hour decision, our 3D artist is working on finishing the rest of the models as soon as possible. For now, we can show you only 1.

Once they are finished, we will post an update for you to see how they look.

When the campaign ends, we will make them available to all Backers through pledge manager so you can download the models of the four heroes.

This is extremely exciting for us, and when we have the prototypes at our office, we will have them printed so you can get an idea of how they look in the dungeon.

Here is a sneak peek of what is coming with the next goal...

New Heroes join the adventure to fight against the forces of evil, and we hope we can reveal all of the surprises that this new “The Alliance” expansion contains.

Thank you so much for all your effort!

Eighth stretch goal achieved! - STL Figurines announcement
about 3 years ago – Tue, May 04, 2021 at 09:35:50 AM

Thank you for the huge support you are giving us!

Here is our latest stretch goal unlocked!

Thanks for sticking with us!

We are immensely grateful for all the support you are giving us to improve and learn.

We are excited about getting this far since we were afraid that the book would be too flimsy to play on. It obviously didn’t have the weight of a magazine, but it still didn’t have the maximum weight and since the game is meant to be taken anywhere, opening the book and starting to play was the part that worried us the most.

Thanks to your support, we are not worried anymore!

Let's talk about the game

Here are some of the enemy cards available in the game.

Our dear “memegoblin”, who we love for his anguished face. All that is known about it is that it likes to run around the dungeon naked.

The Lich can raise Skeletons with his ability “Raise Undead”, so it is important to get rid of him before the Heroes are outnumbered.

Although it might look very weak, if the Slug appears at an early stage of the game, it can be very tedious to defeat, since it can absorb a great amount of damage if heroes do not have Piercing weapons.

And so you get an idea of the number of cards of every type of enemy, here’s a list, just like we did with the expansion.


  • Ledira
  • Marun
  • Grodokk


  • 1x Cyclops
  • 1x Werewolf
  • 1x Golem
  • 1x Guardian
  • 1x Lich


  • 4x Lizardman
  • 3x Orc
  • 4x Skeleton
  • 6x Goblin
  • 6x Minion
  • 3x Orc Shaman
  • 4x Slug
  • 4x Zombie
  • 4x Goblin Shaman

We hope that you found interesting knowing about the exact number of cards of each type are available to get a clearer picture of the probabilities of an enemy appearing in the room.

Regarding the instructions, this week we will update the rules since thanks to you we have detected a couple of points that when redacting, have been left out, and that could cause the final user to have some doubts.

Thank you so much to the ones who offered to help out with the translations, you are the best!

If you want to take a look at the current state of the rulebook, you can click on the following links, feel free to suggest any change: (Some of them has been translated by our awesome community (Dutch/Turkish))

At this moment, we are looking for translators for the following languages

And finally we would like to reveal the next goal. We think that just like us, some of you will be very happy to hear this. For those who like miniature figures, get some resin and paint ready!

We are very excited to have at least the heroes running around the dungeon, so thank you so much for making this possible.

Talk to you soon!

Seven Stretch GOAL REACHED!
about 3 years ago – Sun, May 02, 2021 at 02:16:55 AM

Thank you for the huge support you are giving us!

Here is our latest stretch goal unlocked!

Thank you for helping us come all this way!

We have made it past the 500% barrier, this is totally awesome and it’s all thanks to you.

Since we reached the goal to upgrade the Embossing, we want to show you how the Character Sheet will look when it’s almost complete.

In this case we used an example with Martina because players that decide to use spells will be the ones that can stock a greater number of cards, since with the wand and the spell book, up to 3 active spells can be equipped and used as long as the player has enough Power to cast them.

If the spells are stored in the Item Bag they cannot be used.

These same items can be carried by any other character, but Power points of others are inferior and cannot be restored until the end of the encounter, but Martina can use the “Drain” ability instead of casting a spell to restore Power points used during that encounter.

We are eager to receive the first prototype and record a video to showcase the game, its content, and how the playthroughs works.

And to finish things up we are going to present to you the next goal we’ve prepared.

We wish to increase the weight of the book’s pages so when it’s printed, people open their books and are amazed by its style, color and details that are reminiscent of dungeons from games like Terranigma, A Link to the Past, and others.

It is also important to us that the book has a greater durability since it will act as the board where games are played.

Thank you for this amazing adventure!