
MiniQuest Adventures - The Board Book Game

Created by JanduSoft

A 1 to 4 player cooperative dungeon crawler game book

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Tabletop Simulator Update!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Jul 02, 2021 at 09:20:38 PM

Hello once again Heroes!

Throughout this week we have seen how people have been filling their pledge manager data, so those who have not had time to do it, do so as soon as as possible.

Just follow this URL and enter with your kickstarter email

We are very happy because we are almost done getting all the additional content that was unlocked ready. That includes the new item cards, the two expansions and the new book.

Also, thanks to the collaboration of some of you, we have revised the rule book several times since we started the Kickstarter campaign. We focused on the EN/ES manuals in order to get a final version before translate it to another languages.

Click on the Rulebook images below to view it in your favourite language:



Soon we will add the remaining languages when we are sure it is totally functional and has no mistakes.

If you would like to help us to translate our manuals to more languages, send us a message.

To test the updates and the new book, we have updated the TTS with a new version of the game.

MiniQuest Adventures TTS Update


  • Rulebook EN / ES 
  • Mine Dungeon Book 
  • Item Set (12 New Loot Cards) 
  • The Void (Expansion Set) 
  • The Alliance (Expansion Set) 
  • 8 Heroes Models 
  • Guide Expansions (State)


  • Tokens Monsters numbered for the initiative queue 
  • Character Sheet 
  • Modifications to some of the Loot Cards, Epic Loot Cards and Heroe Skills.

IMPORTANT: We took advantage of the State functionality of TTS on certain elements. If you wish to change the Dungeon book, the Heroes or the rules, change the State.

To everyone who has not tried the game on Tabletop Simulator we would like you to try it out.

To play Tabletop Simulator you will need Steam.

Free download ->

Once you have downloaded it, install it and create a user account.

Steam and Tabletop Simulator are compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux, so you should not have any problems using it on your system.

Once you have your Steam account, search for Tabletop Simulator.

Use the browser and write “Tabletop” and TTS should be the first result.

Summer sales are here and TTS is at 50% off!

On the Tabletop Simulator page, click on Buy. You can buy a 3 or 4 pack with friends which is cheaper. Keep in mind you can play hundreds of board games other than MiniQuest Adventures with TTS.

Once you install it, go to the TTS Workshop, where the community works together to convert to digital format most games you see in stores.

Once you are in your Library go to the Workshop, search for “MiniQuest Adventures”. Other games that contain these words will show up, but MiniQuest Adventures is the first result so you just need to click it.

In the MiniQuest Adventures page you have to hit the +Subscribe button and now you have the game on TTS.

Now we can go into our Steam Library or our Desktop if you made a shortcut to launch Tabletop Simulator.

Once we are on this screen will pop up.

The Join button is to join other players.

If you want to play on your own then click on “Create”.

Once you click it, you have the option of playing alone from a single computer (Singleplayer) or with other players online (Multiplayer”.

A menu to create the room will pop up. We can make it public, with Steam friends only or by invitation, and also choose the number of players.

Once the room is created we must create the game.

Tabletop Simulator offers by default a couple of board games on the Classic tab.

The DLC tab has games that have to be bought from the Steam shop, and the Workshop tab is where the community uploads their game for free.

On this tab is where MIniQuest adventures will be and we just need to click on the game to enter the room.

The last tab is to save/load our boards if we leave a game unfinished.

Once we are in, MiniQuest Adventures is available to play.

Remember that the most important thing is we added States to some elements. To change dungeons or Heroes.

Try it out to swap heroes or play on the Mine.

Here is a guide of Tabletop Simulator basic controls. As you will see they are very intuitive.

Enjoy and thanks for your support!

Pledge Manager and Pre-Orders AVAILABLE NOW!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 03:25:37 AM

Hello Heroes! 

We finally have the pledge manager open and available for all of you!🎉✨

We also opened a Pre-order shop for those people that missed our campaign. But it will be open for a limited time, since we are shipping the game in September. If you know any friends that missed out on the campaign, let them know.

You'll find below a tour and explanation on how we'll proceed using backerkit's surveys for everything. Please, read carefully to the end.

BackerKit survey guide

All surveys will be sent via the pledge manager directly to your kickstarter email inbox📩

Please, be sure to check your spam folder in case you don’t find it. Here's a guide on how to fill out the survey:

In case you don't find the backerkit survey email you can follow this link

Enter your kickstarter email and you will get a custom url for your user.

1.Opening email📤

This first survey is for collecting your adress and your shipping cost. Click on the button to continue to the platform.

Backerkit Survey Email

2.Pledge Level

That button will redirect you here. Choose the country you're shipping your game and continue to the next section!

Pledge Level

3. Add-ons

In this screen, you will be able to add more copies of the game, add the figurines of the game (in case you don’t have a 3D printer) or add more dice sets.

Shipping cost will be calculated based on the weight of your cart.


4. Shipping info

Fill carefully and double check your address and other stuff. This information will be open for change some time, so you can fill it with your current one and update it later if you move. There will be warning emails to all backers when the date for closing the addresses approaches.


5. Payment

As you already know, shipping costs were not included in our kickstarter campaign, so you need to pay at least the shipping cost of your game.

Do it as soon as possible, as we are going to use a fulfillment service to send the games outside of Europe. Once we send the copies to the fulfillment company the shipping cost will be increased, as we will not be able to work with the fulfillment company another time.

Our recommendation is to make the payment as soon as possible and wait for your game to be delivered on September.

Pay as soon as possible in order to don't increase your shipping cost

6. Spread the word!

That’s all, you can help us with our campaign if you share on your favourite social network. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t do it, we really appreciate you for the support you give us on our kickstarter campaign.

Spread the word

Digital Goods

Once you finish your survey, you will be able to download the 3D STL of the 8 miniatures. So you can print it with your 3D printer. You will find 2 versions of each miniature, with support and without support.

Supported vs non-supported miniature. (Both included in the digital download section of backerkit)

Pre-Orders Store

On our main campaign page, you can click the "Pre-order" button to get to the store. Or you can use this link:

Pre-Order store

Just one more thing. Here is an example of the dice prototypes. ;)

Dice Prototypes

And that’s all for today. We will keep you updated.

MiniQuest Adventures Status!
about 3 years ago – Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 04:57:28 AM

Hi, Heroes!,

It’s been a long time since our last update! Today we’d like to tell you about the current state of the project so we can solve any of your doubts about it.

First of all, we planned to launch the pledge-manager today, unfortunately we got some troubles configuring it, and we have to delay it one more week. Because we need to test it and be 100% sure that the configuration it's working fine.

We know that some people want to purchase more copies of MiniQuest Adventures, and there are several people asking us for opening a pre-order webpage. So we are happy to told you that you will be able to add up to 10 copies of MiniQuest Adventures to your card. We thing that this will be enough for almost any backer.

And of course, we are going to setup a preorders page, so you will be able to send it to your friends if they missed our kickstarter campaign. But the price of the game will be a little bit higher than our kickstarter backers.

But remember, this will be done NEXT WEEK.

Also, we are going to add the possibility of adding the miniatures of the game to your card. You will be able to choose between the original 4 heroes or the full heroes set (8 heroes)

Main Heroes Miniatures render, (Image taken from the 3D STL)
Full set Heroes Miniatures render, (Image taken from the 3D STL)

But we have more news.

Have you seen the previous image? Yes, all of the heroes miniatures has been made, Do you like them? 

We are going to release the STL files next week too! so you will be able to print & paint it. Don't forget to share with us a photo of your painted miniature.

For those who don't know what is a STL file, a STL file is a special file prepared for 3D print miniatures. This is an example of a STL file ready to be printed.

an STL file for printing a miniature in a 3D printer

We also finished the Mine Dungeon Book and soon you will be able to test it on TableTop Simulator

Here you can find a sample page of the second book.

Sample page of Mine Dungeon Book

But this is not enough. As you probably know, we are a videogame publisher and this week Steam is celebrating the special event "Steam Next Fest" and we have 4 games on this event. If you want to play some of our videogames, you can do it for free for a limited time, as we have released a demo for each of the following games. We hope you enjoy them.

Our upcoming games at Steam Next Fest

Have a good weekend!

Thanks to all of our heroes!
about 3 years ago – Sat, May 29, 2021 at 11:59:23 AM

Thanks to all of our heroes!

Thanks to all the Heroes that have embarked on this journey that ultimately reached the end!

Thank you 4857 times to all of you for making this possible!

It has been a long and hard journey, but it has allowed us to learn from our mistakes and aim to do things the best way possible. We will keep working until we have a version of the rule book that is as clear and complete as possible. When we wrap up the rule book, we will begin working on the translations and we will publish them on our site.

We will take these weeks of development of the second book and finishing of the rule book to make printing tests with our manufacturer. We will keep you updated when we have news and we are able to show you the final version of the game.

As soon as we can, we will enable Pledge Manager to estimate the number of units we will have to manufacture.

Remember that with Pledge Manager you can add more than one copy of the game and choose add ons we are considering adding, for example, miniatures of the Heroes. Once you select all of your chosen products, the shipping costs will be calculated depending on the destination country.

The STL files of the 8 Heroes will be available in the Digital Downloads section of Pledge Manager.

We will use backerkit as our post pledge manager

As promised on the campaign comments, here is a video of the game captured on TableTop Simulator (TTS). Due to the current Co-VID situation, inviting unvaccinated people from outside JanduSoft, and without an antigen or PCR test would be irresponsible on our part, so that is why we decided to record the game using TTS instead of our printed prototype.

Initially, our idea was having this video uploaded a couple of days ago, but we had an issue with OBS and we did not record the correct audio output, so the only voice in the video was that of the host of the game, and not the four invited players. So last night we gathered four players that worked with us on another playing test session, and this is the game we have uploaded.

Tablet Top Simulator gameplay of MiniQuest Adventures

Once again, since this project has escalated so much, we didn’t have time to script the TTS because it was not our priority, and the game is in a non updated version that we use for testing.

Nonetheless, we considered that it would be good to share this TTS game with our community so you can give us all the feedback you can. So the game will be available on the TTS workshop. (An early version, without the extras we have added throughout the campaign). If someone is interested in scripting it, please contact us.

Play MiniQuest Adventures on Tabletop Simulator

And that is all!! Now if you allow us, we will rest for a few days to recover before continuing with all the work we have left. We think we deserve it.


about 3 years ago – Fri, May 28, 2021 at 12:45:19 AM

Thank you for the huge support you are giving us!

Here is our latest stretch goal unlocked!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us get this far. We managed to unlock the last goal before ending the campaign and that is all thanks to the huge support you have given our little project

As a way to thank you for the support you have given us throughout the campaign, we will design a second book with a brand new dungeon. Just like the basic book, this one will have another 30 rooms divided in 5 groups, but this time in the mines of Phuria.

The idea is that the Mine is more difficult than the Castle, so we recommend that you first play some games in the Castle before trying to clear the Mine.

This time we will differentiate more rolling a 1 to a 6 when setting up the Room we have to clear, which means that a greater number of enemies or an elite can appear in Rooms previous to the final one.

The dungeon still has to be designed, but when it’s ready to manufacture we will post an update. 

It has been a stressful couple of days, since the manufacturers we contacted said that making the prototype would take at least 4-6 weeks. In the end we opted for a more simple and DIY prototype version.

This is not the final version, and has been cut by hand, so we can assure you that although it looks good, the final product will be much better. The colors might be different to the final ones since the prototype has been printed in matte, and the final version will be printed in glossy paper.

When we have the final prototype in our hands we will post an update on the campaign to show the difference in the current finishes and the final ones, and also show you the size of the game inside the box-

A lot of things inside the box
Typical game setup

*handcrafting tokens

*Handcrafting the prototype tokens

*This version doesn’t include the expansions

We are currently working on finishing the rule book with the suggestions and corrections from our friends from Darkstone.  (Take a look at their forum if you are from Spain)

Also we want to improve the balance of some cards. 

When the final version of the rule book is ready we will post an update with the links to the site so people can download the corrected rule book for their language.

Game Play

The players decide which kind of game they want to play.

The players choose their Heroes and place their starting equipment on the character sheets alongside their Health, Power and Defense points.

The youngest player gets the Leader token and reveals the first room.

The cards are placed in the turn queue, switching between Heroes and Enemies.

The enemy tokens are placed left to right and from top to bottom.

Health and Defense markers are placed on the enemies.

The turn begins with the player that has the Leader token.

The character performs their actions.

In case an enemy is defeated, its token is removed and when the combat is over we discard its card.

On the enemy turn, we will check their AI to perform their actions.

We will repeat the process until the encounter is resolved or the four Heroes fall unconscious.

Loot cards are received.

In case of being a final room, the players will also receive epic loot.

If the players decide to play more than one round, they unlock their Skill and will reveal a Threat card to increase the enemies stats.


Certain items allow additional Spells to be equipped.

Spells are placed on top of these items. In case of them not being active, they must be carried in the Item Bag taking up one space.

The player that uses more than one spell must choose which one to use when their action is performed.


Before performing any action, the player must decide whether to use or not the Skill.

The Skill, just like Spells, will cost Power and the player will benefit from its stats when attacking.

Elite and Boss Skills

The deck corresponding to the enemy is prepared.

A card is revealed each turn of the enemy and that card’s action is performed.

If the Skill persists through various turns, the card is put aside, placing Time markers each turn of the enemy until the effect disappears.

Shipping will NOT be charged by Kickstarter. You will be charged shipping in the pledge manager after the campaign has ended. Please let us know if you would like to order additional copies in a single pledge and we'll work out a better shipping amount for you!

Please be aware the shipping landscape around the world is changing rapidly! We will make every effort to reduce and where possible eliminate or absorb your VAT and other tariffs while abiding by local government regulations and custom.

At this moment, we can guarantee that MiniQuest Adventures will be manufactured in Spain and will be delivered "On time" (September 2021)

We will take care of the EU shipping by ourselves. EU shipping will be carried with "Correos", Spanish national courier.

For Non-EU shipping, we are still talking with several fulfillment companies and this is the max value you are going to pay for shipping, but we are working to find a better option for non-EU shipping.

* = Max value, working hard to have a better price

Europe Zone A: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Jersey Island, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland.

Europe Zone B: Cyprus, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia and Turkey.

Important: we are unable to ship MiniQuest Adventures to Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, South, Central America, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Afganistan. Due to high rates of packages going missing in some countries.