
MiniQuest Adventures - The Board Book Game

Created by JanduSoft

A 1 to 4 player cooperative dungeon crawler game book

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping begins! Last call to change your address
over 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 10:43:53 PM

Hi everyone!

In 2 days, we are going to begin shipping MiniQuest Adventures to our backers. 

At this moment we have 750 games ready to be send from the factory (without miniatures), but we need your address updated in order to be able to send your game as soon as we can. (factory is waiting for the entire miniatures set in order to produce the game version with metal minis)

To change your address go to Backerkit and click the "Edit your Address" button at the upper-right corner if you need to change your address.

We are going to send the game in batches. First batch for users without miniatures. 

This is the order we are going to follow.

- 1st: Spanish users 

- 2nd: EU member countries

- 3rd: Non-EU european countries

- 4th: US

- 5th: Rest of the World

Important notice for correct address

In order to be able to send your game correctly we need a correct "phone number" + correct "Name"+ "Surname"., etc.. (I'm sorry, but nicks doesn't work for international delivers)

Some of the problems we found on the past. (Avoid all of them)

- Missing "Surname"

- PO Boxes (avoid PO Boxes)

- Missing "Phone Number"

- Invalid Zip code.

- Name, surname or address with non-standard characters. Avoid cyrilic characters, accents, use ascii characters if possible.

This is almost over! Thank you very much for your support on our project. We hope you get your rewards as soon as possible!

Final assembly & shipping!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 03, 2021 at 01:56:24 AM

Hello once again Heroes!

We would like to talk to you about the roadmap update of our game “MiniQuest - Adventures”.

First batch of MiniQuest Adventures Boxes has arrived (500 of 5000).

That means that the factory is assembling the game at this moment.  

We calculate that we will need about 12 European pallet filled with MiniQuest Adventures game ( a truck filled with miniQuest Adventures games), and the most important think to do at this moment is to find a fulfillment partner that is able to dispatch our game to backers.

As you probably know, shipping has become a huge problem Worldwide. (take a look at this kickstarter article here ) and shipping almost 5000 games is not an easy task.  

But don't worry, we will send the games this month to you. Even if we need to make the shipment by ourselves, as we did it with Sword of the Necromancer game.

On the following days, you will receive an email from Backerkit with a final lock address message. Don't forget to update your address on as soon as possible.

Now, you can take a look at the first game here:

I hope you enjoy it!

And one more thing!

We are working on a new board game "Cards of the Dead - The Boardgame", scheduled to be launched on kickstarter on Q1 2022. Follow us in order to get more info and don't miss the early birds discounts.

This is game is based on a digital game we recently launched on all platforms, you can take a look at the steam version here, and we can tell you that is a very fun game.

MiniQuest - Project status summary - Roadmap update
over 2 years ago – Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 01:38:15 AM

Hello once again Heroes!

We would like to talk to you about the roadmap update of our game “MiniQuest - Adventures”.

On our original roadmap we were scheduled to begin shipping at the end of September or beginning of October. Unfortunately this is not going to happen.

Our factory got some problems with the Box manufacturing and it’s going to be delayed 2 weeks more, so we will be unable to ship any game until the end of October.

But you don’t have to worry about our game manufacturing, there is only a minor delay. We are working very hard to have the game shipped as soon as possible, so you will be able to play before christmas.

Here is the summary of the current status.

  • ✅  Cards: 50% Manufactured (some of them need to be cutted)
  • ✅  Dungeon Book: Manufactured (waiting for the spirals to be mounted)
  • ❌  Mine Book: Design done, needs to be printed
  • ✅  Character Sheets: Ready
  • ✅  MiniCards: 50% Manufactured (some of them need to be cut)
  • ✅  Tokens: Need to be cut
  • ✅  Dice: Ready
  • ✅  Miniatures: ⅓ Done, Manufacturing in progress
  • ✅  English Manual: Printing at this moment
  • ✅  Spanish Manual: Printing at this moment
  • ✅  German Manual: Printing at this moment
  • ✅  French Manual: Printing at this moment
  • ❌ Box: Waiting for paper supplies in order to finish it.

Meanwhile, take a look at some photos we have taken from the factory.

How to add miniatures/dice to your locked Backerkit order
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 01:52:46 AM

Hello once again Heroes!

We are getting a lot of emails asking us about the possibility of adding the Miniatures set to their already locked order.

If your order is locked you will be unable to add more addons to it. If you want to add the set of miniatures or another dice to your locked order we need to make this process manually (one by one)

In order to do that, backers who want to add more addons to their order MUST SEND US A KICKSTARTER PRIVATE MESSAGE with the addon they want. We will update your order manually and charge your card manually. Don’t worry if it takes a while for us to respond. It might take us some time to answer every backer.

These are the different add ons you can add to your order.



MiniQuest - Project status summary
almost 3 years ago – Sun, Sep 05, 2021 at 02:08:04 AM

Hello once again Heroes!

Some of you requested an update, so we are ready to talk about the progress of MiniQuest - Adventures after some vacation period. (yes , we have some vacations, also our manufacturer)

Here is the summary of the current status.

  • ✅  Cards: Ready to be manufactured next week
  • ✅  Dungeon Book: Ready to be manufactured next week
  • ✅  Mine Book: Ready to be manufactured next week
  • ✅  Character Sheets: Ready to be manufactured next week
  • ✅  MiniCards: Ready to be manufactured next week
  • ✅  Tokens: Ready to be manufactured next week
  • ✅  Dice: Manufactured & ready
  • ✅  Miniatures: Final design validated, manufacturing in progress
  • ✅  English Manual: Final design done, to be manufactured next week
  • ✅  Spanish Manual: Final design done, to be manufactured next week
  • ❌  German Manual: Translation & design to be finished
  • ❌  French Manual: Translation & design to be finished
  • ❌  Box: We need to finish the box since we are waiting for the final size of components + language translations

Our roadmap is to begin shipping the games at the end of September beginning of October, and we will split shipping in batches. As we and our manufacturer are based in Spain, we will begin with Spanish backers.

  • First Batch, to Spanish backers
  • Second Batch: To EU friendly countries (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden)
  • Third Batch: Rest of EU countries
  • Fourth batch: Rest of the world

For those who haven’t filled their pledge manager data, do so as soon as you can or your order will be delayed.

Notes about game samples

All of the checked components have been validated by our team, but we have a problem with the character sheets. We promised to have an embossing effect on the character sheets, unfortunately our manufacturer is unable to make this effect so we prefer to remove that feature rather than delaying the entire project looking for another manufacturer. As a compensation we increased the quality of this component. We hope you understand our decision.

And here you can find some examples of MiniQuest.



For those who purchased a set of miniatures on our backerkit post-survey, we tested several options for manufacturing the miniatures.

  • 3D printed resin
  • Metal miniatures
  • Plastic miniatures

3D resin miniatures are the best quality option, unfortunately those miniatures are very fragile and could be broken easily on shipment. Also manufacturing time is very long. And you can 3D print the miniatures by yourself using a 3D printer.

Plastic miniatures could be a good option for our game, unfortunately plastic injection molds are quite expensive and not worth it for the amount of miniatures we need to manufacture. Also making the plastic injection mold will delay our production about 3 months, and we don’t want that.

Metal miniatures have been our selected material. Even being more expensive than 3D printed resin models, we wanted to make something “durable” and “exclusive”. Only those backers who purchased these miniatures will have them. No more miniatures will be manufactured after we close the backerkit store.

Miniatures are being manufactured by and they are being manufactured with lead free alloy in order to meet EU regulations.

Lead free means that you will not be poisoned if you lick any of these miniatures, but we encourage you to not lick/eat any of these miniatures.  ( :P )

And that’s all, we will show you more components as soon as we have the final designs manufactured.